
Friday, September 9, 2011


WHAT I HAVE RECEIVED from prayer regarding the United Nations these past few months of prayer

by Jane Fairchild on Monday, January 10, 2011 at 2:09pm
As I have prayed the past few months this is what I keep receiving in my spirit.

America (society), America, full of pride, self, greed, power, and politics for all the world to see.

Greed of a nation will bring great poverty to a nation.
GEORGE SOROS is dangerous for America

MANSANTO SEED COMPANY backed up by George Soros is all about a global food seed company... Mansanto's is even suing America Farmers who do not use their hybrid seeds (Hybrid seeds are dangerous as you can use them only one time)... Mansanto's is the Corporation the developed Agent Orange in Vietnam

America prideful in having it all...

America, America, had a great fall (such as worst than the fall of the Roman Empire) and ALL the world will see.

America, America sat on a wall. America, America, had a great fall.

And all the KINGS and KINGS MEN of the entire world of all other nations, will not be able to put AMERICA back together again.

Because of this great fall of the American Empire (which is just like the Roman Empire and the Babylon Empire)  and the vast affect this fall will have on the entire world - the United Nations will arise bringing in a ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT and ONE WORLD GLOBAL money system for the world.

United Nations will bring in the ONE GLOBAL WORLD GOVERNMENT AND LEADER

United Nations building (will become the Anti-Christ headquarters for the world)

There will be great world chaos, global famine, fear, and global wars... and the United Nations will appoint a man that does a miracle with PEACE in the world and many will follow this man as the MESSIAH.

This man will be very religious and very high up in the ISLAM ideology as a Muslim, and He (This man in the United Nations) will become the ONE WORLD GLOBAL LEADER/DICTATOR of the entire ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT through the UNITED NATIONS.

The ISLAM highest cleric will come into power in the United Nations as a ONE WORLD GLOBAL LEADER/DICTATOR

This man whom arises up through the United Nations (ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT) will be the Anti-Christ and this ONE MAN will be worst than Hitler as this man hates anything or anyone linked to God, and he hates ALL Christian Believers, he will hate the nation of ISRAEL, and he will hate all Jews....

ISRAEL - The Lion of Judah.. ISRAEL is a majority and with GOD behind ISRAEL - ISRAEL already as WON

THE ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT that will be set up through the United, the people in the world will join in with him by thinking they are doing the 'right' thing by killing Christian Believers and the Jews (as it will be worst than Hitler)...

The WORLD GLOBAL LEADER/DICTATOR that arises out of the United Nations will be more EVIL than Hitler...

and the world will clap and be happy that Christian Believers and Jews are all killed to give them a godless ONE WORLD GLOBAL GOVERNMENT.

What does ISLAM IDEOLOGY and ACLU in America have in commen - they HATE anything about the TRUE GOD and the CROSS and CHRISTIANS.

People of this world will think they are doing the RIGHT / CORRECT THING by executing Christian Believers and JEWS who belive and follow the Torah.
This will be the time that the TRUE CHRISTIANS will be SORTED from the Tares... and it will be a great sorting brought on through fellowshipping in the SUFFERINGS of Jesus Christ. The BRIDE will become purified through this great time of suffering and the TRUE WHEAT will stand until the end.

The Lord is my Shepard - I shall not fear (Psalms 23)

Many, even the very elect, will fall away at this time and people's faith will fade away like never before... for this SORTING time will test the heards, mind, and souls of those whom are within the 'church' today of whom truly is the REAL AND TRUE Lambs of God and whom is the wolves amongst... THE TRUE WHEAT, and the TARES (that grow up) with the WHEAT...

Sorting of the Wheat and Tares together

Wolves amongst the sheep

ACLU - American Civil Liberties sues God in America and the cross becomes the enemy of ACLU

AMERICA - Be ready for this FALL of the AMERICAN EMPIRE is coming soon...  and this fall will affect the entire world for setting the true ANTI-CHRIST in place and in power...

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