
Monday, August 15, 2011

WHO IS JANE.... Open up link and read about JANE and some of her best friends in life

My HEBREW NAME which is very important for me: (Yochanan) meaning "YAHWEH is gracious".
יוֹחָנָ   Yochana

Who am I - that the Lord would care to know my name 'Jane'... or your name...

Who am I - by Casting Crowns... Please listen

WHO IS JANE FAIRCHILD; My Hebrew NAME - which is very IMPORTANT to me:יוֹחָנָ Yochana I am a simple ordinary woman that was born and raised in the Midwest USA. I love being a woman. I love being married. I love our home. I love ISRAEL. I love my friends. I love my dogs, Daisy Belle and our new dog, Shiloh Rose...  I love LIFE...

In my early life before being born and until JESUS found me and I married my husband, Mark.

My mother had wanted to have an abortion while she carried me within her womb.  All my life I heard words from my mother that said 'I never wanted you from the beginning.  I hate you.  I wish you were not here and did not exist....

I grew up not having any meaning and although I had parents I truly was no one's child from the way I grew up....

I did not have a mother of whom when I was hurting I could climb up in her lap and she hold me until everything became better for my hurts... She was not there for me.

I have struggled throughout my entire life with this horrible spirit of REJECTION and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Clinical (Suicide) Depressions but GOD has and is healing me completely in Him.

With the PTSD it felt as though I was inside a high powered washing machine in high spin and the OFF BUTTON had been broken... 

I use to 'hold everything together' and seem very put together and was involved with many things.  But then in August 2004 the Lord spoke to my husband, Mark, whom is the 'Priest' of our family and the Lord told him that we were to move back to my 'root' area of life and that He, God wanted to do a deep healing within me.  I never wanted to MOVE BACK to this 'root' area as for me it was 'out of site and out of mind'... Now I was face to face.... and I hated the memories.

I fell from within and great was that FALL.  I collapsed and no longer wanted to even LIVE LIFE when we moved back to what I referred to as my own personal 'Sodom and Gomorrah' and who would want to move back to that....

I became a MESS as a Christian.... I BROKE into tiny pieces....

The only way that people viewed me was BROKEN upon moving back... It was a time of digging deep and working out my own salvation before JESUS...  It was a GOD ORDAINED time for Jane to go through a DARK NIGHT OF MY OWN SOUL before God.

This has been a time of being completely misunderstood and judged by others and even REJECTION for going through this time.... Like a time of JOB and the friends stood around rebuking, correcting, and judging JOB as JOB was going through his DARK NIGHT OF HIS OWN SOUL..
But today, I am having VICTORY and finally getting on the other side in VICTORY....

Yes, this the most difficult time of my life... but I would not change this time because it has grown me DEEPER into Him even through my struggles....

I, Jane, am not afraid to share my weakness or my brokkenness as it is all about LIFE...

I use to 'hold it all together' and look so good on the outside but inside I was dying... afraid to share the real JANE... but no longer I have come out from this fear and am the REAL ME... The Good, the bad, and even the UGLY OF ME..... I no longer want to play Pharisee games....

Who is JANE: well this song has ministered to me greatly...

This song has meant so much to my heart. My husband, Mark, and I have been married for 33 years. I come from a background where I had no worth or value. Likewise, Mark and I have ministered in Rescue Mission Ministry for over 29 years and we reach out to the homeless/poor/street people within society. This ministry began in 1872 at New York City Rescue Mission. The founders were Maria and Jerry McAuley. Jerry had been an ex-convict and had been a part of the original gangs of NYC. Maria had been a prostitute and ran a brothel house. They repented and made Jesus their Lord. The prostitutes would attend church but were shunned. So Jerry and Maria brought 'church' to them inside the brothel houses. Every Sunday morning they would set up church services. The woman would come to know the Lord but had no where to go for shelter. So Jerry and Maria purchased a building and set up 24/7 shelter, food, clothing, and the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS for these broken women. All of us are BEAUTIFUL in HIM...

As you listen to this song, please read my story of how my husband, Mark, calls me Chosen Treasure at this site/link:

As a small child growing up I spent the summer months on my Aunt Clara's Farm in Iowa. Aunt Clara had her own antique shoppe and I loved helping her. My main chore on the farm was always feeding the calf/yearlings... I learned NOT TO WEAR shoes during this time as my shoes got stuck in the dung all the time and my feet would slip right out of my shoes - so it was better just to go bare footed. I also had to help feed the chickens and collect the eggs.   At the age of 12 and 13 - in order to earn money I worked the Apple Orchards and picked apples with the farm Migrant workers.  It was hard work but by the close of the day I earned $13.00....


I AM PATRIOTIC as an American Most of my family are veterans.

My brother, Vietnam Veteran, served in Saigon over 2 years.
My Uncle, Korean War Veteran. He ended his career in management at the Department of Interior in Washington DC
My Father, WW II Veteran. Served for over 5 years in this war. He was in command of his own troop whom were part of the original troops to build the Burma/China Bridge so that the soldiers could get over to the war. He earned two purple hearts and a bronze medal of honor. He earned several badges.
My grandfather - WW I Veteran.
My great grandfather - CHILDS - Civil War Veteran. After the war he became a US Marshall. He also had homesteaded farm land in Nebraska and gave a portion of this land to the Methodist Church to build a church. He was saved as a new Christian believer in that very church.
Some of my family through my great grandmother was Rabbi Eli Fischer. He had immigrated from Germany in the early 1900's. It was very anti-semantic even then. He was placed in a wagon and covered with manure to get him through the German lines. He immigrated to America and homesteaded farm land in Nebraska. My elderly cousin still remains on this very farm.

My 5th Great Uncle - President James Monroe


These are dreams that I have had (just some of them) that I have posted in my NOTES section. Please READ!/note.php?note_id=10150256222260244

This is 'Jane'. I am an far right wing conservative, Independent party (as I am tired of same old politics in the white house and BIG GOVERNMENT). I am a part of the Tea Party Movement.
I am a Charismatic Christian Zionist born-again believer, whom reads and believes in The Torah and the Bible as God's written Word. (without The Torah we have no bible).  I am RADICAL for JESUS AS MY LORD.... for without JESUS in my life I would have been dead and living an eternity in HELL.... He, JESUS, The Gentle Shepherd left the 99 sheep and came searching for me...  The least I can do is give Him my life...  for because of GOD from the beginning - every breath I take in this life is because GOD breathed HIS BREATH into Adam in the beginning...  JESUS is the CENTER of my entire world and Universe...  JESUS IS MY HERO of LOVE AND OF LIFE...

I love ISRAEL 1000%, (not just 100% but yes I said 1000%)... I have given a pledge to ISRAEL.

When the day comes that American government turns its back against and away from ISRAEL - this will be the day that I, as an American, will turn my back against and away from AMERICA.
Without the nation of ISRAEL - we are nothing. The JEWISH NATION of ISRAEL is the ROOTS of all nations and all people. The Torah is the ROOTS of the bible. Without the main ROOTS of anything, we will not live.

The JEWISH NATION of ISRAEL and the TORAH is the true main central HEART of God Himself.


I am completely against any and all abortions. My own mother sought out herself to abort me and even tried to miscarry me (my father conveyed this to me in 1997) as she did not want me to be born (and I heard about this all the years of growing up under her.) Thank God she did not ABORT ME - or else I would not be here now writing this.

(Reason: In America you CAN NOT kill an owl, or an unborn owl egg. You CAN NOT kill an eagle, or an unborn eagle egg. You CAN NOT kill a minnow fish in the river. There is more outcry to SAVE A WHALE. But if you KILL and unborn human being in a womb - this is okay and treated as 'freedom of choice'. This has nothing to do with 'freedom of choice' but has all to do with 'freedom to kill a human being'... This is a BARBARIC mindset.)

I love to LAUGH and have FUN. I am known as very STUBBORN. but I call it 'DETERMINATION'. I am very black and white as for me there are no gray areas.

I have a free spirit that is difficult for people to control - so if you are a 'control' freak with meetings, bible studies, and/or with trying to 'control' people into what you want them to say or do - chances are you will not like me in your group.

I am super open and honest to a FAULT and a person can read me from page to page (cover to cover)... but I also am OPEN as this with my Lord.

My two weakest areas within Jane that the Lord is #1 My heart is too tender and soft and God is wanting me to allow HIM to create a buffer between my soul/emotions and my heart for I often will become hurt inside and take things so personally that I become wounded.d.... 

God is now having me in HIS TRAINING BOOT CAMP to teach me to CHANGE my heart to learn to have SELF CONTROL...  As a kid in growing up, I knew nothing about boundaries as I basically raised myself... so I learned things on my own (rather bad or good)... to best desribe my life I had been like that of a wild stallion horse that has never allowed someone to place boundaries on me but it is time and God is breaking me to learn of HIS SELF CONTROL...

When I think upon SELF CONTROL I think about NIAGARA FALLS and the great SELF CONTROL that brings POWER with great boundaries...

God is bringing me through his BOOT CAMP TRAINING in breaking me to learn SELF CONTROL where my weakness will become GREAT STRENGTH IN HIM....

The person I would probably be most like within God's word would be like Ezekiel... I would come out as seeming strange but I would obey Go no matter what the cost or what it looked like to man, as long as I was obeying God.

I have never liked the established church within America and I butt heads with such establishments. Pastors often try to be the standard line rather than allowing God to be the standard line (as everyone is different). If you do not measure up to their 'standard' as a christian believer - you are not accepted. My biggest gripe of church settings is everyone remains at surface level and sweeping the dirt underneath the carpet and putting up white picket fences... If you speak of real life situations outside of the 'perfect church settings' they can't handle it. But yet we need to be a part of 'church' as this is what ordained... so God is softening my heart in not being the standard myself and/or judge of church settings....

My husband describes me as within the I LOVE LUCY show... Lucy, Lucy, Lucy... only it is Jane, Jane, Jane

My nickname that had been given to me as a teenager had been SNOWFLAKE.... because basically I was different and every snowflake is different and when you run in fresh falling snow you feel like playing and catching the snowflakes in your mouth...  This describes Jane.

I always seem to manage to get in trouble and trouble finds me. Oh well... I have fun.


MARRIED: I feel very honored to be married to my husband as he is my very best friend and my true 'knight in shining armor' (almost 34 years). Mark is the love of my life. As my husband, Mark has only shown me gentleness, kindness, and goodness of the Lord. He is a very honorable and righteous man of God.In God's Word the best description of Mark (my husband) and my relationship with him in marriage would be found in the Book of Ruth - as BOAZ, a righteous and honorable man of God, covered Ruth.

This Book describes the best of our own marriage relationship with each other.God's Word says that 'the husband is to love the wife as Christ loves the church and gave Himself up for her'... This is the kind of love that flows through Mark's heart toward me.

There is not a better love than what I am married to for life. If you read I Corinthians Chapter 13 in the Bible - this shares of what REAL LOVE looks like and this is the kind of LOVE that I am married to with my own husband.



Mark and I have been involved in Rescue Mission Ministry for most of our marriage Rescue Mission worked began originally in 1826 in Glasgow, Scotland, and then traveled over to the nation of Australia when UK sent their criminals to Australia, this ministry then traveled over seas to America and in 1872 it started in New York City; please see link:

The founders of Maria and Jerry McAuley (BOOK: Jerry McAuley and His Mission, by Arthur Bonner). Jerry was a ex prisoner convict and had been a part of the original gangs of New York City. Maria had been a prostitute and ran her own private brothel house in NYC. They both came to know the Lord, repented, and turned away from sin and made things right to God. They married. The prostitutes would go to the churches but were shunned and criticized badly from the 'church people' within the church society. So Jerry and Maria brought church to them on Sunday mornings as they would set up church services inside the brothel houses. When the girls came to know the Lord and turned from their sin... they would cry (as recorded in the book) because they had no place to live for shelter outside the brothel houses. So Jerry and Maria purchased a small building in downtown NYC and set up 24 hour/7 day a week shelter, food, clothing, and the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ for the girls to live. This first mission was originally named McAuley Mission but the name changed to Bowery Street Rescue Mission and still operates TODAY in downtown NYC.

Now there are 100's of Rescue Missions provided services to the POOR/HOMELESS/STREET people of society throughout the WORLD. There are even Rescue Missions in India, Australia, Israel, and many other nations.

Mark use to be the Executive Director of Albuquerque Rescue Mission in Albuquerque, New Mexico...

Currently he is the Chaplain at Peoria Rescue Mission.

Our family are the kick outs of society and often even churches (still today)... They are poor, homeless, street people, whom have many types of addictions, gang members, ex-prisoners, veterans, prostitutes, run aways, and even just simple people that have lost their homes and have no where else to go.

These are 'real people' in the world and often are the people that the 'church building settings' can't handle because they don't sweep their dirt under the carpet as they are REAL.

Jesus, Himself, said to leave the 99 sheep and go search for the one lost sheep outside.

Example of my heart in this ministry: Summer 2007 - I was walking around in downtown Peoria, there is a really bad park in the area (called Prostitute park); I ran across a woman whom actually had no face. I spoke to her and walked forward. I felt bad that I did not ask for her name so for two (2) weeks I walked around looking only looking for her to know her name and her story. I found her. Her name is Becky. She weighed about 80 pounds and her hair was coming out. One night as she was strung out on heroin a gang decided to play Pinata with her face and a baseball bat. They spun her around, and bashed in her face and her bone structure (crushed) grew back the same way. She literally has no face. But she has a name - Becky. She came from someones womb and the Lord knew her name before she was born (Psalm 139) - please pray for her release of Satan (that the gates of hell not prevail any longer in her life).

Another story is of a man named 'ISRAEL'... Israel came through the Peoria Rescue Mission doors. He had been in a gang from New Jersey and was actually a gang 'hit' person to get rid of people from the gang. He spent years in prison. He was addicted to heroine and was homeless. He came through our doors. He had tattoos covering his entire body. One day as I was volunteering Mark asked me to counsel him and pray for him.

I spoke to him of God - the Father's great LOVE for him and that I looked at him as a son to my own heart and how much I too loved him as a mother.

Here was this tough gang man, that had spent most of his life in prison, and he started to weep as a baby at that time. He accepted JESUS as His Lord and reached out for help.

Today, he is happily married, serving in a christian church, and on 'fire' for the things of God. He is a complete man of God and is set free.

The day I ministered to ISRAEL I shared with him that ISRAEL was a promise of God and to expect God to come through with PROMISE for Him in his life...

Now ISRAEL is a PROMISE OF LIFE in JESUS as he is set free.


Mark and I have experienced and seen many things within Rescue Mission Ministry (church).
I have seen and experienced an actual murder stabbing outside our Rescue Mission front door in Albuquerque. As the man laid in his pool of blood and was dying outside our door I was holding him with his last gulps of life. It was a drug deal that went wrong.

But I also have had many experiences of seeing God's deliverance and LIFE coming into people.


MY TRUE IDENTITY is not in career/job, people, family, wealth, material possessions, but true identity is in Jesus as my Lord. He has cloaked me with His robe of righteousness. He has made ALL THINGS NEW... He has called me 'saint' instead of sinner.

God's Word is full of His promises of who we really are as a person and our identity.
Jobs/careers/people/family/wealth/material possessions can all fail you and you can lose these things in a moment of time...

But my IDENTITY held in God's Word of TRUTH is what will sustain and keep me when things go wrong in life.


HOME: Mark's and my description of HOME is "HOME IS WHERE THE LORD IS"... Our home is not to be permanent on this earth and if God calls us to another place we must be willing to make the new place our "HOME" also... for HOME is where the Lord is and where the Lord is calling you to do...


CHRIST FOR THE NATIONS BIBLE COLLEGE, Dallas, Texas. Mark and I have never gone to school for education for ourselves but there steps were only taken as obedience to where and what God had called us to do. The Lord came through for us in so many ways while attending this school. We did not have much money. This is just one description of how God came through for us in provision.

Their link is:

I would highly recommend this school for anyone whom is a new believer in Jesus Christ, whom is considering going into your calling of God as a missionary, or whom just wants to grow more in God.

This school is very PRO ISRAEL and PRO JEWISH. The founders daughter, Shari, whom is married to Ari Sorko-Ram. Founder, CEO and President of Maoz Israel ministry. Ari is a completed Jew. They live permanently in Israel.

They would give their lives for the Jewish people...

Their site is:


Mark and I had a ministry on campus at Christ for the Nations Bible College. We prayed about this and the Lord told us to do this as an outreach to the students on campus, especially international students.

We started a small grocery store directly from our apartment. We got approval from Fred Lindsay (President of CFNI)... a friend whom I worked with one day came to me (whom knew nothing about this little store) and said to me 'Jane, I have a brand new side-by-side refrigerator that we cannot use since we moved - would you take it as a gift)...

Once again - GOD the provider - provided.

We took this refrigerator, placed it inside our apartment and used this for the food supply to give out to the students on campus from campus housing.

We named this outreach 'Loaves and Fishes' for God was going to multiply this blessing to others...
Every Saturday morning at 4:00 a.m. - Mark and I would take our little car and go down to the Farmers Market in downtown Dallas Texas. It was all within a huge square of selling these fresh items and it was HUGE. The farmers got to know us and often would actually give us extras of their crops to bless this ministry on campus. From our own money, Mark and I would purchase eggs, produce, and vegetables, and day old bread - but it go to the point that so many people were getting to know us and wanting to bless us - that we hardly ever had to purchase anything. We also got a dairy farmer that would allow us to bring sterilized milk jugs to him and he would fill these milk jugs up and drop them off at our campus apartment site for 25c a gallon. So this is what we sold the milk products for on campus 25c a gallon. (We never made any kind of profit as this was not our goal - but it was to simply bless the students on campus).

For accountability, Mark and I chose not to ever eat and drink any products from the Loaves and Fishes Warehouse from our apartment and we kept this completely separate for the students on campus only.

It was not for us - but for them.

One day, Mark and I, had no money at all and no groceries remaining for ourselves. So instead of taking out of what God had supplied for the Loaves and Fishes - we prayed...

That evening at about 10:00 pm we prayed out to Jehovah Jirah to provide us food and some money as we had none... We looked to God and not to man for our provision.

About 10:30 pm as I was going to go to bed - I went to lock the door and right after I locked the door we got a large knock on the door. I went outside to see who it was (as we constantly had students coming in and out of our apartment) for food, and fellowship (mainly international students). When I opened the door - NO ONE was outside the door (and I opened it almost immediately after receiving the knock on the door). But sitting in front of the door was two one gallons of milk, two full bags of groceries, and a $50.00 new dollar bill and it said 'For Mark and Jane only'....
GOD PROVIDED once again.


REGENT UNIVERSITY Mark and I both attended but Mark graduated from Regent University with his masters degree in Communications.

I had the privilege of also being employed at the Regent University Law Library. While being employed there, I was able to assist Jay Sekelow with materials needed for his studies and law researches. Jay Sekulow is the founder of American Center for Law and Justice. He is a completed Jew. Jay fights for Christian and Jewish freedoms and rights in America. He has fought more supreme court cases than any other lawyer in the entire United States. His website is:
During this time I also became involved in the presidential campaign for Pat Robertson and the roots of the Coalition of American Freedoms.

I also had been trained and was a prayer counselor at the 700 Club prayer line. This site is located here:

If you need prayer or Christian counseling please contact the 700 Club at
phone number 1-800-759-0700.


When Mark and I ministered in Albuquerque New Mexico we became family with precious Native American people named Tom and Vicki Bee.

Tom Bee is a composer and singer and received a Grammy award. He composed the Native American Theme Song throughout America for the Native Americans.
Please see this link regarding Tom Bee: 
(This song composed and sung by Tom Bee is called 'Sacred Warrior')

The Music of Tom Bee

Tom and Vicki Bee started a God-called ministry to the Native American reservations in America called Red Sea Ministries....

Please open up and see this link:

This is TOM's recording studio:

Tom Bee also had a NATIVE AMERICAN ROCK BAND back in the 70's
Native American Rock Band " XIT" w/ Tom Bee.
North America Music: XIT /" Reservation of Education " 1973
XIT was originally based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Members include founder and Native American Music Award winner Tom Bee, A.Michael Martinez, Mac Suazo, Lee Herrerra,and R.C.Garriss.

"XIT" stands for "crossing of Indian Tribes", according to Tom Bee, founder and featured artist of the 70's Native American Rock band.

Rock Nativo-Americano norteamericano / Estadounidense / Hispano / Mexicano Americano: " XIT" -banda de rock de los 70s con base en Nuevo Mexico, EE.UU; sus miembros originales son: el fundador de la banda Tom Bee, Mac Sauzo, Michael Martinez, Lee Herrera, y RC Harris

Listen at this link:

His son, Robby Bee is also a composer and singer of hip hop Native American music.... Please open this link:

We're the BOYZ (Native American Hip Hop)

Land of the Wannabe Free


There are over 28 different Native American Tribes Reservations in New Mexico.

Mark and I had ministered through Albuquerque Rescue Mission Ministries in New Mexico for over 15 years. During our time in Albuquerque, we ministered in Juarez Mexico and also in the Painted Desert Navajo Reservation.

New Mexico is the home of my heart on this earth. The people of New Mexico became my real family of my heart.

Mark & I have very precious friends whom are Native American... Tom & Vicki Bee (Posted above) & a Navajo couple named Joseph &Virginia.

Mark and I would visited Joseph and Virginia on the Painted Desert Navajo Reservation (near Farmington New Mexico)... They had a home church on the reservation

Mark and I would load our car up with food and clothing and take with us as gifts to give out to those on the Reservation and invite them to church at Joseph and Virginia's house.

One Saturday morning, the Spirit of God woke me up extra early (before the sun rose) and told me to go sit at the end of the road and worship Him as the sun rose...

The sun rose over the Painted Desert area mountains and it was the most beautiful site I have ever seen in my life... They call Painted Desert for a reason as when the sun rises the desert actually looks like a painting.

I was sitting on the actual road on the ground worshipping the God of this Universe... with my hands lifted up in Praise and Worship as I was singing songs of worship to God.

Next to this road was a house where a young Native American (Navajo) young woman resided.

She kept coming to window to listen and watch... She then pulled up a chair to listen and watch...

Finally she spoke out over to me and asked me 'what are you doing'....

I explained to her that I was worshipping the God of this Universe, Creator of Heaven and Earth and creator of me as a human being.

She kept listening and watching.

Finally she asked if she could come out and sit with me and learn too.

So both her and I were sitting on the dirt road as I was teaching her how to WORSHIP God of heaven and earth...

At that time I shared with her about how much JESUS loved her and wanted the best for her in life....

Through the conversation I found out that she had been raped by her step father for many years. Her mother had died. Her step father now was in prison on the reservation for this crime... She had many wounds and sorrow within her soul and heart and I held her tears as she would cry and share her life...

She received JESUS as her LORD at that time..

That night was church service at Joseph and Virginia's house and she came to the service.

We had a community church dinner and we were served Mulligan (Lamb) stew, which is very common on the Navajo Reservation as they raise sheep.

I like to laugh and as I shared of God at church service that evening, the people always would laugh....

The men whom attended the church service that evening, went out that same week and caught me a wild stallion horse for them to break so I had my own horse to ride. They named this horse the Navajo language but the name was 'CRAZY WHITE WOMAN' - as I made them laugh so much they called me their 'CRAZY WHITE WOMAN FRIEND'....

The young woman whom received JESUS as I sat on the dirt road that morning, was discipled by Joseph and Virginia and still serves in this church today....

All it takes is one small act of OBEDIENCE TO GOD's VOICE to sit on a dirt road, sing praises and worship to HIM, and for someone to come to know Him (all out of obedience)....

The Native American people are the most precious people in America.... I am honored to have them as my friends... They became the family of my heart on this earth.


Gods most important commands to follow is:

Matthew Chapter 22: 35Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

I apply this alongside of:

LUKE Chapter 10: 25And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 26He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? 27And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. 28And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. 29But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? 30And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. 33But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, 34And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and broug(t him to an inn, and took care of him. 35And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. 36Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? 37And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

I truly believe that if we of God's 'church and/or synogogues' could grasp ahold of these scriptures of Gods Word then we are actually doing what GOD wants us to do in our life.....

Think about the Good Samartian, he was despised by the Pharisees and Levite Priests, and he was a complete stranger but yet he took the time to see another person's wounds and to take care of those wounds...

The 'religious' people whom knew God's word through and through with the Pharisees and Levite Priests .. they understood the LAWS of GOD but not the LOVE OF GOD...

I truly believe when we stand before GOD face to face on that JUDGEMENT DAY - his measurement stick will be 'DID YOU LOVE'.... 'DID YOU ONLY LOVE THOSE WHOM YOU WERE COMFORTABLE WITH OR WHOM MADE YOU HAPPY INSIDE - OR DID YOU TRULY LOVE'....



Who am I - that the Lord would care to know my name 'Jane'... or your name...

Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wondering heart.

Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again
Who am I?
That the voice that calm the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.

Not because of who I am.
But because what of youve done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours.

Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
You told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cuz I am yours.
I am yours.

1 comment:

  1. I reviewed Jane's writing herein. Powerful stuff. I personally know Mark. We've crossed pathes with rare regularity since I left the Peoria Rescue Mission and its Victory Acres. I've never met Jane but whow! Emal I've met. The chap from Egypt, I believe.
    Anyway, I just want to say God bless and I am very, very grateful there are humans here in the midwest who have the power of our Wonderful Creator.
    Yes, we all have our unique stories. When reading about Becky the faceless woman, I almost cried and wanted to strike out with vengence upon the gang creators, those useless creatures who I could almost kill indiscriminately and feel no shame. But my spirit says forgive. God! You've forgiven us so why do I harbor an almost hateful feeling toward those who would inflict such horrible pain on another human being? I'm not perfect, that's why? Only perfection can look down upon the dispicable and be indifferent.
    To Mark and Jane, I love you. Thank you.
    william peter craig
